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Weltmeisterschaft im Schneebildhauen

Fanny-Fay Tremblay-Girard
Joelle Gagnon & Marie-Claude-Paris-Tanguay
FJCOWRD, La vachoune de mer, Ein milchiges Seeungeheuer
The great force of 3 (triskel, trinity, triforce) associated with chaos makes light spring forth. A strong energy is transformed into a "Multiverse Vortrex" enters through the back, transcends through the heart, springs from the hands and channels itself into a jet of light in order to ignite the great fire ...
The forces of the mind, when they unite in synergy, become a driving force that activates the engine of creation. From this synchronicity opens the field of possibilities. It is up to us to enjoy, laugh and dance.
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

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